Frequently Asked Questions

General Questions

We have built our network over the last 26 years with the best available resources, contacts, and team members giving you access to the best possible results and reports available on the market. Our customer service is top-tier. We promise one-call resolution and rapid responses to all inquiries. We create comprehensive and customizable reports that detail your results in any manner you choose. Our team is extremely experienced in the background screening industry. This deep knowledge gives us an edge in finding things other less experienced firms may overlook. Our diligence ensures you are given everything you need to make the most informed hiring and tenant decisions

Coverage in all 50 states including Puerto Rico at the state, county, and municipal levels as requested.  

We are members of PBSA, and our founder is licensed as a private investigator in the state of Florida

Services Covered

Criminal Record Search

Civil Records Search

Tenant Background

Whereabouts Search SSN Trace

Asset Search


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